Friday, March 1, 2013

Random thoughts.

1. At Samford the girl to guy ratio is something like 4 to 1. So in order to really get a guys attention you have to be in a ball gown twirling around on stilts while handing out free chicken wings. But on an international ship all you have to do is be an American and you'll get marriage proposals every day.

2. Passengers on cruise ships are crazy about bingo and raffle tickets. It doesn't even matter what the raffle is for. They just want to win it.

3. I think it's funny that on the day the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world I was literally with Mayan people in Mexico.

4. At night, since we're at sea, its completely black outside and it is kinda scary. It makes me wonder what living on a battleship during a war was like.

5. Some of the Croatian engineering guys on board like to give me a hard time about my last name. My family is Slovenian but they say the name Dvornik is Croatian. So whenever they see me around the ship one of them will call out "hey Croatia!" Great Grandfather & Great Grandmother Dvornik, who immigrated as teenagers to the states from Slovenia, would not be pleased by this.

6. Twenty-two is a funny age. I'm running around wildly independent, having adventures, & supporting myself. But then in some (...most) instances I just want guidance and reassurance from my parents. It's like being a toddler. You want to do everything by yourself and absolutely don't need anyones help but what in the world is Federal Income Tax?

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