That morning James, Rosie, and I ventured up to Magazine Street. We ate lunch in a cute Italian restaurant with great wifi. Before I went back to the ship I took a taxi over to my friend Kaci's house to pick up my mail. Grace and my wonderful friends Amanda & Christian had all sent me packages!
Back on board my worst nightmare had been realized. I was made an assistant station leader for passenger boat drill. That meant that from then on not only would I have to be back on board thirty minutes earlier each Sunday, I'd also be responsible for getting passengers safely into a life boat in case if emergency. The best part is that if for any reason my station leader is unable to be there, I'll become the sole leader of an entire lifeboat of 150 passengers. Hilarious and frightening. Luckily Cameron, the new male dancer, was my station leader! During the drill I had to demonstrate for my station how to put on a life jacket and I made everyone laugh. The passengers all applauded. I'm so talented.
During the Welcome Aboard show Caleb, the other male singer, is dressed like a construction worker during the opening number. So as a little joke I bedazzled his hammer and white t-shirt. It was hilarious. He wore a normal t-shirt onstage but the cast got a big laugh out of it before hand.
The shows went great that night and afterwards I made a few last calls outside as we cruised down the river. When I got back to my cabin Montana came over for a girls night! Some other cast members spontaneously came over too and it turned into a little wine pj party. I love silly random nights like that.
January 28. Monday.
The passenger of the week, determined by me, was a little old lady wearing a necklace made entirely out of wine corks. Amazing.
That morning I worked the shopping talk and art auction. I spent all afternoon working in the dressing room. Band on the Run was fabulous that night! After the show, all the girls changed into pjs and met in the theater, armed with popcorn and wine, for movie night! We watched a silly dance movie on the big screen and had a blast.
January 29. Tuesday.
Costa maya! We decided to break our routine that day and try a new restaurant called Tropicante. It is right on the beach and we ate quesadillas, swam, and laid out all afternoon.
That night Jess, Sophie, and I hung out in my room, painted our nails, and drank champagne. Being a girl is the best. & I am so blessed to have found such amazing friends in my cast!
January 30. Wednesday.
Belize. The dancers had rehearsal all day for the new Burlesque they were putting together. That day I worked, napped, and got a hair cut. (You can read about that disaster if you just click: here!) Both Shout shows went great that night and afterwards I went out with all the dancers.
January 31. Thursday.
Boat drill was a little more serious that day because auditors from corporate were on board inspecting everything. Cameron, my station leader, was excused from drill that day because he had family on board visiting that week. So that meant I was station leader for my second boat drill ever AND the auditors were there. Just my luck. My stations meeting spot was in one of the dining rooms and when the abandon ship signal sounds each group in that station is dismissed one by one to go to the lifeboat stations on deck seven. Of course I jumped the gun and left too early. Right as I realized this and went up to ask an officer friend where to go, one of the auditors walked up to us. So I quickly blurted out, "I'm just so excited about safety!" and booked it out of there. So smooth.
After we all survived the drill, we had an entertainment meeting. Then I locked myself in the dressing room and literally worked for nine hours straight. I deep cleaned both rooms top to bottom, re-organized all the cabinets, took inventory of everything, and did tons of laundry. It was a little much.
February 1. Friday.
Cozumel. Jessica and I found a new local restaurant with super fast wifi. So I spent the day uploading Christmas pictures to Facebook.
That night I went out for sushi with James and Rosie. Then the cast had a late night Elements rehearsal to block Cameron into the show. I sat in the audience and did some more work on my costume bible.
February 2. Saturday.
We had Elements tech rehearsal that morning and Cameron did it in costume. That afternoon I worked the art auction and got a new haircut.
Elements actually went well that night and Cameron did great! The prank war continued and Jenna filled up James dressing room drawer with more snow. Afterwards Jenna and I ordered room service to her room and watched a scary movie. When it was over at 2am, I was walking out right as James and Caleb walked in from the bar. Caleb left but James, Jenna, and I stayed up talking until 6 in the morning!

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